You're an investigative journalist seeking truth about a mysterious billionaire, Isaia Panduri, to reach him you must infiltrate the world's most powerful companies, get chummy with their employees, and use your insider information to get the funds you need.


This game should have controller support!

[←] [→] Move (A/D/Arrow keys)

[↑] Small Talk

[↓] Drop down platforms

[A] Jump (Space/Z)

[B] Interact (Alt, X,B)

[START] Pause (Enter/Esc)

[Select] Map (Tab)


Firefox hates Godot, if the game doesn't work please try it on a Chromium browser

Optional CRT shaders are available in the settings menu.

A submission to Lospec Jam 2 by Team Skeejy


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This is very innovative. I think the only things I found I was missing was a way to end the day early (in case I accidentally closed the buy menu) and a have some of the platform background objects be a little more prominent. Once I figured that last one out, exploration was quite rapid. 

Interesting and good stuff :)


Thank you for the comment! We did realize that a way to end the day early would have been nice a bit too late into the jam, and did not have enough time to implement it. It's on our list for our post-jam improvements :)

Thank you for the note about the visual clarity of one-way platforms, I'll see if I can improve that as well :)